What makes SFS Higher Secondary different and unique?
- Most flexible and student-centered optional subjects based on the premise “more options more opportunities”
- Highly qualified, competent and experienced Faculties for all streams.
- Knowledge sharing sessions by IAS, IPS, Senior, Bureaucrats, Politicians, Artists, Educationists, Journalists, and other celebrities.
- Exposure to national and international competitions and events.
- Periodic Tests and practice aligned to new board exam pattern
6. State of art laboratories, computer labs, and Libraries.
7. Scholarship up to 100% for meritorious students.
8. Experiential workshop
9. Great and experienced academic mentors like – Dinesh Lahoti, (Eugenie – Alumni IIT Guwahati), John Jose (IIT Guwahati), Anjan Choudhury (Skilffinity), LoyalaAgarwala, etc.
10. One on one personalized mentoring for students
11. Continuous and professional career guidance and career tests.
12. Unlimited opportunities for high profile MUN (Model United Nations) and debates of national and international profile.
13. Special Leadership and Personality Development grooming sessions
14. Industrial Visits and Field Trips to IIT Guwahati, Science Centre, Assam Secretariat, Media Houses, Tea Auction Centre, TISS and Assam start-up for entrepreneurs, National Law University, Assam Don Bosco University, etc.
15. Exposure to Photography, 3 D printing, robotics, new age technology via state-of-the-art Atal Tinkering Lab.
16. Regular Parents- Teacher Meeting to help parents know the progress of their wards so that they can guide their wards effectively